Every time I zoom out or zoom in, it messes up the entire screen. For example, if I try to zoom out so I can expand my drawing, the bars on the side (eraser, lasso, etc.) go out of frame. Either that or every time I zoom out the picture becomes too tiny. I usually try to just slightly zoom in/out but they just end up breaking the whole process. Also, usually I use ctrl+z to undo any mistakes. You see, I zoomed out, so I was trying out a tool to expand the drawing. Though, the tool ended up moving half of my drawing in a completely different spot, so now it was not one big artwork. I figured I could just click ctrl+z, but that ended up making things worse. It completely ruined my drawing and then logged me out of the app. Another thing that was annoying was the fact that your artwork doesn't save. I spent over an hour on a drawing, and I was gonna go look on the internet to find more inspo pics for the background. I accidentally hit refresh and my artwork was completely deleted. Please fix these bugs!