Allow us to tag which palette we used (if any) from Lospec?
When I submit art to the gallery, I would like to include which palette I used to make the image, as a way of crediting the creators. This could replace the color-specs section on submissions, if applicable.
Perhaps it could be a tick-box "Palette used (if any)" and if left unticked, it shows the color stats as normal?
I think having a direct link to the palettes I use would be a cool way to funnel attention to the people who indirectly contribute to my art. The descriptions don't allow hyperlinks right now so it isn't the best place for credit.
Seconding this post, would be very nice to have!
Merged in a post:
Palette Attribution
Lospec gallery pieces already log the colors underneath them, what if there was a way for the site to take the colours, and scan if they fully, or partially matched any existing palettes? Once it did that, if anyone was on the original palette page, they could just do a scan, and see what gallery pieces have been made with that specific palette.
this is coming, i just dont have a good UI element to pick the palette yet, but once i do it can be easily added